N2N Deban Brunette Literacy Program
The N2N Deban Brunette Reading Program has been providing Literacy support to local schools for over 15 years. We provide trained volunteers within Hamilton schools to support children in grades 1-4 with improving their literacy skills. Children get one-on-one interaction twice a week, which helps to build their comprehension, fluency, and self-confidence.
Research shows that if a child is not reading at grade level by the end of grade 3, they will struggle with learning throughout their academic career. The Neighbour to Neighbour Deban Brunette Reading Program addresses the need for early literacy intervention.
Goals of the Reading Program
- Improve the reading levels of children in Grades 1-4 who are under-resourced and reading below grade level
- Increase a child’s self-confidence through one-on-one support
- Foster a love of reading, provide positive role models and foster an appreciation of literature
- Develop positive attitudes towards learning and reading
Model of the Program
- Literary assistance provided during the school day at select schools
- Tutors work with 4 students, one-on-one, for 15-30 minutes
- Students are seen 2 times per week by different volunteers
- Tutors are instructed and supervised by professional educators
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB)
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board (HWCDSB)
Participating Schools:
R.A. Riddell G.L. Armstrong Westwood Chedoke Helen Detwiler Huntington Park Highview Lincoln Alexander Holbrook CB Stirling |
St. Michael Our Lady of Lourdes St. Margaret Mary St. Marguerite d’Youville St. David |

N2N Deban Brunette Literacy Program- Literacy Tutor
Role Description Reading Tutors ED 2023
N2N Math Success Program- Math Tutor
Role Description Math Tutors ED 2023-2024
To learn how to volunteer as tutor, please contact education@n2ncentre.com OR (905) 574-1334 ext. 204