N2N Math Success Program

The N2N Math Success Program provides students in Grades 5- 8 with the opportunity to work with trained volunteers once or twice a week to improve their math skills. Students are given additional instruction based on the curriculum they are learning in their regular class. Students receive small group support to complete their homework and build study and test-taking skills.
Research shows that students who do not build a strong foundation in math at the elementary level will continue to face difficulty in Secondary School Mathematics. Students that fail to achieve their Grade 9 Math credit are less likely to graduate.
Goals of the Math Program:
Are to give students the opportunity to:
• Improve their math, study and test-taking skills, as well as curriculum understanding in students in Grades 5- 8
• Acquire knowledge to support their successful transition into high school
• Provide mentorship and counselling that will help participants set goals and build aspirations for potential career paths
• Build relationships to help create “social capital” or “support systems”
• Improve confidence and develop positive attitudes towards learning
Model of the Math Program:
• Math assistance offered twice a week, for 25 weeks after school
• Tutors work with 1-3 students, for 45-60 minutes
• Students are consistently assessed and given feedback on their work
• Tutors are instructed and supervised by professional educators
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB)
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board (HWCDSB)
“There was one math concept that a student was really struggling with at the beginning of the session, and by the end, with my help, they were able to do it on their own. That was the most rewarding moment of the program.”
– Tutor
“This has been a positive experience and we very much appreciate my child having been given the opportunity. Their confidence has increased greatly.”
– Parent

Our Math Success Program Impact Report is available for download. To find out more, click here
The Neighbour to Neighbour Math Success Program is funded by the Hamilton Community Foundation ABACUS grant.